How to Handle Life’s Surprises

Life threw you a curveball. Maybe you received news of a health issue, a demotion at work, or a relocation. How do you deal with the unexpected?


Whether the change has a positive or negative effect on your life, change can be stressful. Here are some tips for managing the unexpected:

Take inventory. Know what actually happened and what the implications of the change will be on your life and the lives of your loved ones. How big of an impact will it make? What steps do you need to take to lower the impact of the unexpected change? What resources or support will you need? Not all changes will actually make a big difference in your life overall, when you look at the big picture. Several months after the change occurs, you may notice that you are not all that much worse off. You may even find that the big change made way for something even better.

Learn from others. Perhaps it’s a conversation with a good friend, or it’s outlined in the book of a best-selling author. Educate yourself in tactics for dealing with the change, and move forward in order to:

Develop a plan. What must you do in order to deal with the change most effectively? What adjustments will you need to make? Where in your schedule can you sacrifice time to deal with the change? How will you provide nurturing and self-care for yourself as you work through it? What do you need to do to move on with your life?

Manage your emotions. How does the change make you feel? Confused, disappointed, inadequate, resentful, subservient? Scared, anxious? Elated, excited? Competent? Pressured? 
Identify your feelings and use your previous experiences in dealing with those emotions as a tool for developing ways to manage your emotions in the present. Learn what you need to do to in order to feel balanced and in control, in spite of the unexpected change.

See the opportunity. Understand that by our very nature, humans change constantly. We are organic–we change. While the change you are experiencing may be unexpected, look for the opportunities that are presented. Even if the situation seems wrought with misfortune, consider what possibilities might be waiting in the wings. Perhaps the unexpected change will lead you to a great idea, a new friend, or a fantastic resource that improves the overall quality of your life. Adapt and revel in your resilience.

This post written by Victoria Crispo, Career Coach at Career Services USA was originally featured on

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